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"Carmarthen 26 October, 1843.
Dear Sir,
Having received directions from the Secretary of State for the Home Department to cause Special Constables to be sworn in throughout the County, with as little delay as possible, I have to request that you, as Chairman of the Llanelly Bench of Magistrates, will take steps to carry that direction into effect as soon as you are able.
I hope this object may now be more easily attained than heretofore because the presence of so large a body of Police and Military stationed in different parts of the County ought to give confidence to the well-disposed and encourage them to come forward and take that office upon them.
I should propose, therefore, that the necessary notice should be given to those liable to serve in the Llanelly Petty Sessional District, to attend for that purpse on an early day; but I think it will be best to take some means to summon only a part of them at one time, and those about Pontyberem and thereabouts should be in the first instance, called upon.
I will attend the Petty Sessions if you will let me know the day, and my view would be to get the farmers amongst themselves to choose out a small number for that duty for a time, with the understanding that others should take it up a week about, or after a fortnight or a month, if that was thought better, and to shew them that by this means they will be likely the more readily to get rid expence of the London Police.
I am positively directed such a refuse to be sworn or neglect to serve, having been [gone], and to enforce the fines an extremity, I hope the good sense of all the parties interested, will spare me the necessity of resorting to.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, Geo. Rice Trevor, Vice-Lt."
[Source: George Eyre Evans, 'Rebecca Riots: Unpublished letters, 1843-44', The Transcations of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club, vol. XXIII, p. 71]

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