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"Hyde Park Gardens,
6 March, 1844.

My dear Sir,

I have received your letter and the Memorial in favour of the man convicted of intefering with Baliffs, and who was convicted at the last Quarter Sessions. I will send it to the Home Office. I myself do not think a man who took advantage of Rebecca and her Mob, as he did, to resist the law in the matter of a Distress for rent deserves much mercy if (even as is stated) he did not follow her to break down Gates. I will let you know the result. I intend to be at the next Assizes.

I am, very truly yours,
Geo. Rice Trevor."

[Source: George Eyre Evans, 'Rebecca Riots: Unpublished letters, 1843-44', The Transcations of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club, vol. XXIII, p. 75]

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