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A response letter to the children of Wales from Narva, Estonia, May 18th 1928. the letter reads; Stretch out your hand to me, unknown friend, allow to enter a union which is to contribute to the growth of the idea of World Peace, so that I, too, may take part in its creative light, that keeps back a friend or an enemy from letting blood flow. Thou, highly praised Death in the War, thou wilt be enchained now, when we shall organise ourselves and shall bee united by strong bonds of friendship. It rings from all lips: may every step bring peoples nearer to each other, may everyone's breath wish success and express constancy to the idea of the World Peace, be every thought a stone in the walls of the Temple of Peace! To you, our distant friends, we send our best wishes on behalf of Goodwill Day. May the League of Nations thrive and be succesful! Yours faithfully the headmaster and pupils of the Commercial School in Narva, Estonia
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